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The Super Bowl is just around the corner, so huge brands have their massive budgets twitching, ready to try and cash in on the incredible hype around the half-time show and one of the biggest sporting events on the planet. As a long-time Raider, I’m trying to work out how to ensure that both the 49ers and Chiefs lose horribly, but failing that I will simply focus on the entertainment in the middle of the game.

Low-quality chocolate brand Snickers have waddled into this arena, and taken a huge dump on the DJs of the world – naturally the DJs picked that dump up, and threw it right back at Snickers, in the face.

Check out their tweet

Plenty of DJs had things to say about this – and rightly so. DJing is a great job to have if you can pull it off, but also a very insecure job, with unsociable hours, volatile employers, few workers rights, and many other unglamorous realities. But it provides people with fun, with excitement, with release after a hard week at work, and so much more.

The excellent Philly DJ Cosmo Baker went in to bat for the DJ community, and provided a brilliant insight into what he calls “working class DJs”.

Here’s the first tweet, of a long thread laying out his case

And for those who find Twitter threads tricky to read, I unrolled the thread here…

There’s some real food for thought in these words, for DJs and non-DJs alike.

And, in case you didn’t already know, Cosmo Baker is a fucking great DJ!

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